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Show Description


Based on a series of tabloid reports, BAT BOY: THE MUSICAL is a musical comedy/horror show about a hybrid creature discovered in a cave near Hope Falls, West Virginia. Taken in by a local veterinarian, he is taught to act like a “normal” boy.  All seems hopeful until Bat Boy falls in love with the veterinarian’s daughter and thew narrow-mindedness of his neighbors forces him and his new love to flee back to the woods.  Sharp, biting social commentary and satire are matched by a thrilling score in this highly entertaining musical!


For more information about the show, visit the licensing company website at


Audition Requirements


Sunday, March 19, 2017 at 6:00 P.M.

Monday, March 20, 2017 at 6:00 P.M.


Callbacks (if needed)

Tuesday, March 21, 2017 at 6:00 P.M.


Please be prepared to:


- Sing 16-20 bars of a song of your choice.  Please do NOT sing a song from Bat Boy.

You must sing with OUR provided accompaniment, with a CD with NO vocals, or with a device you provide.  NO a cappella auditions will be allowed.

- You may be asked to sing scales by our accompanist.

- Complete a dance audition, taught by the show choreographer (dress appropriately)

- Be prepared to fill out a conflict sheet* at auditions (be as specific as possible about spring conflicts)


*Make sure you read over the rehearsal and performance schedules before committing to the show*


*Additional audition times may be scheduled ONLY if you are unable to attend the scheduled auditions. Please contact CTC Staff at, to schedule an audition at least two weeks in advance if this is the case.*​


Rehearsal Info


Mondays from 6:30 to 8:30 P.M.

Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:30 P.M.

Saturdays from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. 

Occassional Sundays if needed


Rehearsals will begin around Saturday, March 25, 2017.  Tech week will be from Saturday, May 15 through Thursday, May 18. No absences will be accepted during tech week.  




Friday, May 19, 2017 at 7:30 P.M.

Saturday, May 20, 2017 at 7:30 P.M.

Sunday, May 21, 2017 at 2:00 P.M.

Thursday, May 25, 2017 at 7:30 P.M.

Friday, May 16, 2017 at 7:30 P.M.

Saturday, May 27, 2017 at 7:30 P.M.


Please make sure you can fully commit to the rehearsal and performance schedules before auditioning.  We understand spring is a busy time, but you must be willing to make this show a priority.  Not all performers will be asked to attend all rehearsals.


Performers Needed


Actors ages 18 and up are welcome to audition.   Experienced or first time performers who enjoy acting, singing, and dancing are invited to audition. 


Roles Available
(The roles listed are based on original casting -
our casting will be flexible based on the skillsets of our auditioners)

Bat Boy (Edgar) - Stage Age: Late Teens - Early 20s

Edgar is half boy/half bat and his journey from a primitive/unrefined being to a well-rounded and civilized human (and the difficulties he encounters along the way) is the heart of our story. "Bat Boy" is very raw and unsophisticated at the beginning of the play (after all, he has lived in a cave his entire life and never been exposed to civilization) and can't even speak. However, with the Parker's help, he grows into "Edgar" (the name lovingly given to him by Meredith) – an intelligent and enthusiastic individual with a strong desire to be accepted and to fit in. He struggles with his identity (is he man or beast?) and the prejudice and hatred of the town. The actor playing Bat Boy/Edgar will have to be able to portray both sides of his personality and be able to tap into the confusion and anger that often boils up, all the while maintaining the innocent and loving essence of the character. The audience needs to sympathize with him or the musical will not work – therefore the actor playing this role must not only be a strong singer, but also a very strong actor in order to achieve this.

Vocal Range: Tenor


Dr. Thomas Parker – Stage Age: 30's - 50's

The town veterinarian, Dr. Parker is asked to "take care" of the creature but is convinced to spare his life by his wife and daughter. He is a desperate man in a loveless marriage (due to the troubled past of the couple). As he sees the attachment growing between Bat Boy and Meredith, Dr. Parker grows to secretly despise the boy. Driven mad by this hatred and jealousy, he manipulates the situation using his veterinarian skills to his advantage – even at the price of human life. The actor playing this role must be a strong singer and actor and believably portray his decline into diabolical madness.

Vocal Range: Bari-Tenor


Meredith Parker – Stage Age: 30's - 50's

Dr. Parker's wife, Shelley's mother. Meredith is the epitome of the perfect housewife. She helps convince her husband to keep Bat Boy. She picks out a name for him, teaches him manners, and educates him; she does everything that the mother he never had would do – but in the process, a deeply kept secret is disturbed and her world starts to crumble around her. Can she save the ones she loves? The actress playing this role is in for a real treat – she is a wonderfully complex character with great songs (and therefore must have a strong voice with a strong belt). Meredith starts out relatively two-dimensional but as things start to go wrong she must make difficult decisions, step out of her comfort zone, and confront long-hidden emotions. There must be a strong connection between Meredith and Edgar.

Vocal Range: Mezzo


Shelley Parker – Stage Age: Late Teens – Early 20's
The Parker's rebellious daughter. Shelley and her mother convince her father to spare Bat Boy. Shelley transforms from a spoiled brat who taunts Bat Boy into a young woman who falls in love with him and protects him from the town's wrath. The actress playing this role must have spunk, good comic timing, a strong voice, and a presence that endears not only Edgar but the audience as well.

Vocal Range: Soprano/Mezzo


Sheriff Reynolds – Stage Age: 30-60
The Sheriff brings Bat Boy to Dr. Parker's house to be "taken care of". He is called upon by the town folks to deal with the situation whenever the situation goes awry. He is always the mediator and tries to do the right thing ... long as its good for his career!

Vocal Range: Baritone


Rick Taylor (Doubles as Lorraine) – Stage Age: Late Teens – Early 20's
One of the adventurous siblings who discovers Bat Boy in a cave. A bully and Shelley's boyfriend. Has a "rap" song. 

Maggie (Doubles as Ron Taylor, Rick's brother)– Stage Age: Teenager
Mayor of Hope Falls.


Ruthie Taylor (Doubles as Ned, a rancher)– Stage Age: Teenager
Rick and Ron's younger sister.  Attacked by Bat Boy.


Mrs. Taylor (Doubles as Reverend Hightower and Roy, a rancher) – Stage Age: 30-60
Mrs. Taylor - Overprotective mother.

Reverend Hightower - A small but memorable character, the Reverend is an over-the-top caricature of typical religious figures and provides many laughs during his spirited performance of the song "A Joyful Noise" at the town's revival ceremony. The actor playing this part must have good comedic timing and must be a strong singer who is able to riff and sing in the gospel style.

Bud (Doubles as Pan and Daisy)– Stage Age: 25-40
Bud - A rancher with a low IQ.

Pan - A forest god who sings "Children, Children" and presides over an interpretive marriage ceremony for Shelley and Bat Boy. Must be a strong singer. Strong dancing ability a plus.


Ensemble (Townsfolk, Animals, Voices) – Stage Age: All!
Simple and superstitious, the townspeople are over-the-top representations of rural farmers – think plaid shirts and cheesy southern accents! Most ensemble members have solo speaking and singing lines and all have lots of opportunities to shine. In addition to playing the townsfolk and getting to sing great songs like "Another Dead Cow" and "A Joyful Noise", the ensemble members also play animals in the forest scene ("Children, Children") and the voices in Dr. Parkers head as he goes crazy. Actors playing these roles must be strong singers and good actors and movers.

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© 2017 CARLISLE THEATRE COMPANY - 40 West High Street - Carlisle, PA 17013 - (717) 258 - 0666

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